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  • Project Research
  • 1-5 Chapters
  • Abstract : Available
  • Table of Content: Available
  • Reference Style: APA
  • Recommended for : Student Researchers
  • NGN 5000

Background of the Study

Education is the bed rock of a nation‟s economy. It is the suitable legacy with which a child should be left in order to successfully exist in life and to remain productively capable in any economy. Education is also seen to be the robust step in paving the way for the citizenry of a nation to achieve their desired interest in the world of business. Education has also been viewed as the instrument used to impact in-depth knowledge and understanding so as to advance the youths to new frontier of knowledge in different walks of life (Enwere, Ugwu, & Olawoyin, 2013). It is not a gain saying that a nation could be bailed from the syndrome of unemployment if a well-tailored education cum training is provided by the government of a country. One of the educational programmes that are available in Nigerian tertiary educational institutions in order to promote self-reliance is Business Education. Business Education is a type of education that is designed to inculcate in individuals skills, knowledge, business spirit and acumen needed to thrive in the world of work and to become self reliant. Nwaigburu and Eneogwe (2013) opined that Business Education represents a broad and diverse discipline that is included in all types of educational delivery systems-elementary, secondary and tertiary 2 institutions. It includes education for office occupation, distribution, marketing occupations, accounting, business teaching, business administration, business management, typewriting, stenography and secretarial education or studies. Business Education will produce responsible, productive and self-reliant citizens. This highlights the importance of Business Education in inculcating in the recipients knowledge, values, attitudes and skills needed in the business world (Ezeani, 2012). Business Education programme is offered in educational institutions including college of education. College of Education is an educational institution established to prepare individuals to become professionally trained teachers and individuals who will be able to be productive in the society. At this stage of education, one of the programmes offered is Business Education which prepares its recipients for teaching profession, undertake job in industry and or creation of venture that is owned, managed and controlled by the recipients after graduation. Ability to create self venture is as a result of necessary skills which would have been imparted in the trainees during the programme in the institutions. The growth and development of the economy depend largely on the kind of skills that the graduates of educational institutions are equipped with (Owenvbiugie & Ediagbonya, 2014).


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